Just thought we would update everyone on how things are going. We are in Asheville, well, Fletcher, NC. Steve is in orientation, and Abby and I are hanging out at the hotel. She has a bit of a tummy ache we think. She is really not herself and wants to sleep all the time. We called her doctor who said just let her sleep it off and try Popsicles. However, if any of you out there have a trick for getting liquids and food in a sick toddler, I would LOVE to hear them. She's not running a temp, so that is good. Please pray that she feels better soon and that we know what to do for her until then.
Otherwise, our house hunt is going well. We have looked at some condos and a duplex. We are scheduled to go by an apartment complex later today. I don't know that I've ever felt this much pressure/ stress before. However, we are trying to stay positive. It is a beautiful area and the people are really nice. (Did I mention we are 10 minutes from Biltmore Estates and the Blue Ridge Parkway... SCORE!)
Your surroundings will definitely be beautiful and I'm sorry to hear that your little one is sick. I heard popsicles are a good idea. Ethan has enjoyed soup recently. Not whole spoonfuls of liquid but enough that it is more than just eating dinner. The last flavor that I've tried was Italian wedding. He loved the spinach, noodles and meatballs.
I'm so sorry Abby is sick! I hope she feels better soon! I have no good advice for you. Our strategy is "try everything in hopes something works" (Here, have some juice, what about a banana, a cookie, pudding, anything? Please!) We do a lot of begging.
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