Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fun times

Abby is officially three months old today. She seems to be growing and changing everyday. According to her tummy time mat, she is now 25 inches long, and she weighed 12 lbs. 12 oz. at he doctor's office a week ago. Her personality is really starting to show now. She is very laid back and loves to smile. She's also a couch potato. She loves watching TV. We try to provide quality programing for her during the day. Baby Einstein is her favorite; however, she does like to watch video games as well. I thought you would enjoy seeing some of the things she has been up to this past week.

She has become better aquainted with Phoebe.
(Just as a side note: She still hates Tummy Time.)

She has been trying on hats.
This is our current favorite outfit to dress her in.

She even likes hair bows.
This was taken during a game of dress up which
was played to determine what size she is.
Apparently, she is in 3-6 month size now, but she can also
still fit into 0-3 month outfits, too.

She loves helping mommy. . .

when the laundry basket is involved.

She has been practicing for the beach with the
sunglasses Grandma and Grandpa got her.

Here she is trying to disguise herself so she
can go grocery shopping without the paparazzi (or in this case- momarazzi)
trying to catch her every move on film.

She and Daddy love hamming it up for the camera!

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