Sunday, June 10, 2007

Abby Hearts Bathtime

One of Abby's favorite activities is her bath. She loves the water and especially loves getting her hair washed. For now, we are using a a small plastic basin because she is too small for her tub. However, she is quickly outgrowing this and will soon graduate to the "real" bath. I am quite nervous about this because she gets quite excited and kicks/squirms a lot which makes it hard to hold her. Nevertheless, here are some pictures that will be sure to embarass her in about 13 years, give or take!!!

Abby gets excited when she sees the "indoor pool" appear.

The livingroom and her bedroom afford the most space for the ritual.

Although you can't tell from the picture, she is in mid-kick here.
This forms a mini-tsunami.

Stay tuned for pictures of her hair being washed as she is snuggled in her towel!

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