Monday, September 24, 2007

Five Months Old

Abby was five months old on Saturday. It hard to believe it has already been five months. We celebrated by going to Bristol to see Granny. She had not seen Abby since early July. Lately, Abby has been getting chatty with everyone. She loves to tell stories and knock,knock jokes. At least, that's what we think she's trying to do. She has even taken to humming herself to sleep at times. Toes are still fascinating to her, but her greatest laughs and shrieks of joy come from watching the cat.

Here are a few quick pictures from this weekend.
Abby and Boppy on April 23rd

Sept. 23rd... she's grown a little, don't you think?

Great times at Granny's:
Granny couldn't get over how big Abby is.

Abby has lots of stories for Granny!

She even "read" a couple to her.

Phil was not amused.

So, Abby tried to make friends.
Abby's favorite place. She can see everything from up there.

She coached Grandpa through the repairs to the kitchen sink.

Our Goldilocks had to try out the bed.
(Never fear... she was too excited to take a nap.)

She's never too tired to eat, though.

She caught up on the newest best seller while we ate.

This is how she looked during lunch
on our last trip to Bristol in July.
The sock for the seat doesn't even fit
that well anymore because she is so tall.

Upon our return home, she wanted to bond with
Phoebe a little.

We're thinking about building her a saddle.

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